There are far and few between when it comes to nurturing, empathetic individuals that care to make a lasting effect on children, with the goal of improving their quality of life in the long run. We are lucky enough to have recently welcomed one of those individuals onto our team, Buffy Gerschick, MAT. Buffy is a special education teacher with 25+ years of experience, as well as a masters degree: Master of Arts in Education…. and Buffy has done exactly that, mastered the art of education!

Buffy has a talent of quick, on the spot, problem solving skills which helps children excel in their education. She knows exactly what to do, and when to do it. Pairing that skill with her energetic, kind personality, the children cling to and learn from every aspect she has to offer.
Buffy recognizes that every child learns differently, and actively searches for the tools necessary for children to showcase their skills and abilities. The addition of Buffy to our team of Certified Recreational Therapy Specialists, gives us a new outlook on our job. We work as a team, bouncing off each other’s ideas to create the best possible learning environment for the children.
If you are interested in what Buffy offers, please look over the following list: Social Skills Group- Buffy Gerschick, MAT
Sensory and Language- Buffy Gerschick, MAT School Readiness- Buffy Gerschick, MAT Expressive Language Group- Buffy Gerschick, MAT
“Handy Dandy” Writing Group- Buffy Gerschick, MAT Preschool Language- Buffy Gerschick, MAT
Interested and want to know more? Please call 586-722-7524 to schedule!